Hythlodaeus Amarantos



183.9 cm / ~6'

Ancient, Viera

Name Pronunciation
Hyth-loe-day-us Am-are-an-tos


Pansexual, Polyamorous

Bard, Reaper, Sage

Chief of the Bureau of the Architect

Pre-Sundering Relationships
Azem & Emet-Selch (Married)

Player Relationships
Traveler Azem (Fiancé),
Avion Varlineau (Adopted Son)


On the eve of Zodiark's summoning, Hythlodaeus awoke to find himself in unfamiliar surrounds within a body similar yet different to his own. The skies were clear, yet the world was dull. With his frail body diluting his Sight, he could hardly see the souls right in front of him, let alone miles away. All except those most vibrant and familiar souls that glimmered like beacons among the rest.

Thus did he begin his quest to find the most elusive of his partners. For who, if not Azem, could have summoned him here across time and space?

Likes Dislikes
- Carrots - Sharks
- Tormenting Emet-Selch - Asahi
- Ear rubs from his partners - Menial labour

In-game Statuses

Normal status: Partially, unofficially, or not in-character. Open to casual interactions.
Roleplay status: In-character, open to walk ups/tells.
Busy status: Do not interact.


- Everyone loves the ears, but they're very sensitive! Please don't touch without asking unless you're close to him. (Headpats are fine.)
- Don't be afraid to interact just because you're not an NPC! Hyth loves interacting with everyone.
- If you're a Penumbra user and would like to see Hyth in-game as I do, I don't mind exchanging Mare Synchronos UIDs.

Standard roleplay guidelines apply. Please see Guidelines.


How long has Hythlodaeus been on sundered Etheirys?
~300 years.

Does he remember the events of Elpis?
No. He has a fleeting recollection of some bits and pieces (phrases, vaguely recognises WoL). He only knows as much as Emet-Selch has told him.

Does he know what happened in Endwalker?
Hythlodaeus was aetherically linked to his slumbering self on the moon before he dissipated, and retains some of that version of himself's power, and all of his memories.
As a result, he has memories up to and including the demise of Zodiark from that version of himself. However, the link was cut when that version of him drifted into the Lifestream. He does not know firsthand about anything that happened afterwards in the Lifestream or Ultima Thule, just what others have told him.

You remind me of Hythlodaeus Bnuuy...
Yes, they are the same character! I had to change his name to transfer from Ravana to Sophia.

What does the name 'Amarantos' mean?
It's Greek for eternal/immortal/unfading/everlasting, especially in the context of flowers!

Is Hythlodaeus sundered?
Nope! His soul retains its original density, however his physical form is no stronger than that of a regular sundered being. His soul sight is limited, and he is unable to use creation magicks.

Does the Hythlodaeus in UT remember this Hyth's adventures?
When Hythlodaeus eventually returns to past, he loses all memory of it as if it were a dream and continues on sacrificing himself to Zodiark. Though perhaps the Lifestream will return some of it to him in time? Who knows.
